What do you get?

Training Games Video Library
Over 80+ games, watch any time
You get access to our massive online training games library! There are over 80+ games that covers a wide range of training, from loose lead walking, recall, relationship building and more. You’ll also get access to new videos as we regularly add new games to the library.

Deep Dive Theory Learning
We go into detail on the theory side of dog training. Understanding more about a particular struggle or behaviour and what games to play, such as puppy biting, toilet training, building confidence alone.
Here are just some of the topics covered:
- Recall Tips
- Loose lead walking
- Separation anxiety
- Canine enrichment
- Proofing behaviours
- Understanding your dog

Resources to help you
Jam packed with resources
These can be printed out and filled in to help you during your training journey. There are also many ebooks with lots of useful information.

Life of a Dog Trainer Series
Behind the scenes snippets
In vlog style, get a sneak peak into how we as professional dog trainers do things at home with our dogs. Things don’t always go to plan…..real life training!

Private Facebook Group
Online community
Be part of a supportive online community for club members to connect, ask questions, share their fun photos, videos of them practicing at home. For many puppy owners just knowing others are going through the same things can be a real comfort. This is also where you can find hints and tips from Cathy your Trainer.
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