Ensuring our kids interact safely with our dogs is crucial
Here are some tips to keep both your children and dogs happy:
- Always supervise – Even friendly dogs can get overwhelmed. Keeping an eye on interactions helps everyone stay comfortable.
- Let sleeping dogs lie – Teach kids to avoid dogs when they’re sleeping or eating. It’s their time to relax!
- Respect their space – Never let kids take things from dogs; it can make them feel threatened or anxious.
- Avoid hugging or holding – Most dogs find hugs and being held uncomfortable. Encourage gentle, supervised strokes on their side instead.
- Give them breaks – Allow dogs and kids time apart to prevent overstimulation and maintain peace.
- Teach kids to read dog body language – Help them recognise signs of stress, like growling, showing teeth, or trying to move away. But as a parent you must stepin if needed. The book Doggie Language by Lili Chin is a great resource with helpful illustrations.
- No rough play – Ensure kids understand not to engage in rough play like pulling tails or ears or hitting. It can stress dogs and provoke negative reactions.
- Create a safe space – Make sure your dog has a retreat area for breaks, and explain to kids that this space is off-limits when the dog is there.
By following these tips, we can create a safe and happy environment for both our kids and pets!